1) We went through Margaret's papers until our fingers were bloody and torn (I'm not kidding either, you should have seen Brent's cuticles!), and then we sorted some more.
2) I've become a Craigslist master! I got rid of 2 massage tables, a treadmill, 5 beef livers, a tongue and an oxtail, 2 iron plate hangers, an old network card, a graphics tablet, and a roll of carpet. Of course, I'm having a harder time with the 8 50lb bags of tile mortar, 3 Dremel tools, bench grinder, a string of Christmas lights, and 2 air purifiers. Anyone want those?
3) Alan (Brent's dad) came out from May 20th to 31st to help with the house and Margaret's things. He worked like a madman, repairing the roof on the gazebo, getting the electricity in proper working order, fixing the garage door, cleaning windows, and tons of other stuff.
4) Brent, Alan and I weeded for 2 solid days. There was some serious grass growing here.
5) We've been to the Albuquerque dump 4 times so far. In the Expedition, so these are not small loads. We'll probably make 1 more trip before we leave too.
6) Janelle got here on May 22nd, and has been helping with everything too.
7) I had a birthday! I'm older than I've ever been! And the Colorado and California factions of my family all called on the right day! And I ate way too much ice cream.
8) We went to an Albuquerque Isotopes game, that's the minor league team out here. We sat on the grass and smuggled in our lunch.
9) I rearranged Nathan's kitchen while he was away at work. He was very confused. So was everyone else.
10) We went to look at other houses in the neighborhood one weekend, and I broke a cabinet in one of them. Oops.
11) Last night we painted far too many walls. Stupid unmatched paint.
12) We've been planning for a mini (month long) thru-hike. Colorado Trail supplies are now stacked in the closet much like PCT supplies were. Except that there are only 8 boxes rather than 32.
13) Brent's job is moving along through all of the silly channels these things have to move through, so it's still in process.
And there, at lucky number 13, I will leave this list. There's probably been more stuff, but it's been lost in a haze of dust, weeds, and trips to the dump. This has been an exhausting month. I hope I get a job in Fort Collins when I get back so that I can relax!
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