Wondercon in San Francisco! - I went out to SF to visit my sisters and attend Wondercon. Yes, I am a geek. I embrace it. Love it. Wear the T-Shirt. Get my picture taken with the stormtroopers and the guy wearing the Alien (Sigourney Weaver style) costume. It was a great con, and there were lots of
Brent and I ran our first half marathon - the Horsetooth Half marathon. It is apparently one of the harder half marathons in the US because of the elevation of Fort Collins, and the route they choose (almost 1000 feet of elevation gain!). We did pretty well, running the 13.1 mile course in 2 hours 5 minutes and placing just above 600 out of 1,300. I've been avoiding calling it our "first" half marathon, because I didn't want Brent to think that there was a great chance for a "second," or even a "third." But really it was a great run, training was pleasant, and I'd do it again. We're looking at a race in Moab to be the second!
We attended our last Opera of the season. It was Puccini's Tosca, and we liked it better than Tales of Hoffman too. We may have mentioned that we really didn't like that one. Somewhere. But Tosca was good, in that predictable-Opera way. You certainly don't go to an opera for plot twists and interesting denouements. But the singing was good, the sets were nice, and it wasn't too silly.
Our good friend Scott is starting a local nonprofit group called NoCo Artists. He had the inaugural performance just this last Thursday. The group is meant to introduce local, northern Colorado artists of all types to each other and to audiences through performances and events. The first performance was a huge success, with a much larger turnout than expected. They were setting up more chairs right up to the start of the performance! GO SCOTT!
That was most of our April. Brent worked a lot. And is probably working away even right this instant, on a Saturday, in New Jersey. Bleah. There was also a lot of moving type of stuff, as we try to move our stuff out of our storage bin into a different storage bin that's free. We have a lot of stuff in storage. I got a haircut, and it's cute. My grandma is still visiting at my parent's, and she makes lots of good food. My niece is still cute. Brent's brother keeps messing up the water in his shower. Apparently he likes just having hot water, or just having cold water. I can't understand any other reason for him to continue doing this. Sam is here visiting for the weekend.
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