The motel owner where I stayed offered me a ride back to the trailhead, which was great! So I got a fairly early start, which was good, since the thunderstorms started around 10:30am. Looking back, there was even a fresh coating of snow on the mountains. I spent most of the day threading the needle on thunderstorms - lots of them were around, and every time I looked back, it was nasty looking where I had just left. So I just kept hiking, and luckily nothing major caught up with me.

The trail stayed over 11,000 feet in elevation most of the day, but the geology noticeably changed - lots of red/clay soil and sedimentary rocks. Also, there were lots of alpine meadows covered in wildflowers. After all the rain we've been getting, its going to be an amazing wildflower season.

I had a really nice campsite overlooking Engineer peak and a wide valley below me, and I could even see a bit of Lizard Head pass (outside Telluride) through the trees.

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