Yes, I am obsessed with chickens now. I don't know what it is about them, but they fascinate me. John also has another fowl, a guinea hen. She's dumb like a rock, and very shy, so we couldn't get a good picture of her. Here's what she looks like though.

Arizona gets awesome sunsets every night. Here's one from shortly before we left.
And these are the rows of onions we planted. Just so you can get an idea of the scale here, Brent is actually in this picture. he's just so far away you can't really see him. The onions are in the foreground, and there's grass planted between the rows to keep the topsoil from blowing away, the white stuff is row cover to protect the veggies John has planted underneath, and past that is the garlic we weeded. That's how many onions we planted and garlic we weeded. LOTS.
Okay. So that's Forever Yong, another great WWOOF. Right now we're in Scottsdale, which is a suburb of Phoenix. Tomorrow we're going to see Watchmen in IMAX. Yesterday we planned our entire lives, and today we learned about personality types, and I learned that Brent is weird. Not much new there. We'll be driving to San Francisco after this, probably getting there next Monday. We have 2 WWOOFs planned after that, one at a winery north of San Francisco, and one at a homestead/farm a bit further north than that (they have sheepies and baby goats!). After that it's back to Fort Collins for a month, and then even more adventures! Woohoo!
oh oh! A winery north of San Francisco! Are you going to Petaluma? That's where we stayed last summer at the tail end of our road trip. Dustin's favorite winer is Pedroncheli (sp?) and we go there every time we're in Petaluma. =) The animal fascination must be a Yang trait. I'm fascinated by COWS. who knows why. Did you know cow butts are perfect right angles? they're not curved at all! (Perfect for stacking, if one was short on room) =)
All this continues to sound just fantastic! Looking forward to seeing you guys in SFO.
A haiku, written at night, March 31, for the intrepid Davis couple:
Chickens surround us
We feel danger in the air
Ha! To the vineyards
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